Leading Lady Parts
I've always found it interesting that we often explore deeper issues around sexism and gender imbalance within theatre and society as a whole through humour. Often, I find myself making jokes around topics which are actually quite toxic and pervasive within the industry. It's quite sad, really: because laughing about them sometimes feels like the only way to broach them in my mind.
When this BBC sketch came along in 2018, I found it hilarious... but only because it was so accurate and deeply relatable! The comments seem wild and ridiculous... but I guarantee you, a lot of female actors and creatives will have heard these types of comments whilst auditioning.
I've been in the game for seven years now and trained for three years at drama school, so as you can imagine I have anecdotes galore, as do a lot of my peers.
It's apt that as I conduct and analyse the data from my inquiry into female representation within the arts it's at the forefront of my mind!
Sharing below: 👇👇👇
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