Ethical Considerations- Second Year Blues
Now that I'm five years removed from the situation, I am interested in discussing the 'Ethical Considerations' surrounding the 'norms' of drama school, specifically in second year. Various phrases I've heard in my own experience concerning training are along the lines of: ' Second year, eh? You got the second year blues yet?' 'They have to break you down and build you back up again to prepare you for the industry' Confidently, I can say that these statements echo those heard by my peers from various training establishments and musical theatre courses. During training, the long hours and intense classes can definitely create a culture where you feel the need to impress with the emotional depth you have in class. The question is, if you give everything all the time, are you emotionally able to let it go or put any gas back in to your own tank? Personally, I found second year mentally gruelling and vividly remember crying most day