
Showing posts from October, 2020

Feminist Theory - a minefield?

Through my research in to gender roles in the theatre industry for my inquiry, I have really found it fascinating to read so much in the wider sphere of 'feminist theory'.  Perhaps due to the fact I went straight from doing my A Levels to what was essentially a vocational course and read mostly fiction, listen to 'The Guilty Feminist' podcast and saw a lot of theatre, my knowledge of 'feminism' as a concept stems mostly from real-life experience. General awareness and study are really two wildly different things! However, through study I am discovering so much depth within feminist theory that I'm finding so interesting.  We are so quick to call ourselves 'feminists', especially within our generation who have grown up with the waves pretty much behind us. There is an inherent privilege (in my opinion) to be fighting for pay equality as a movement- but also able to live in a Western society, with the ability to be independent and forge our own paths s...