Change is inevitable

As we start the new term and Module 3, I am feeling quite capable and ready to explore my research topic. This post will be a little abstract, a dash fractious and very reflective, but at the end of the day that is strongly encouraged on this course so I’m going with it! It’s strange that in a time which involves a ‘whole world’ crisis and a more specific crisis in our industry, I feel so strangely equipped to move forward. Even though everything changed overnight back in March, I recently realised that the friends I had that were used to performer life or freelance life adapted and flourished even amongst the absolute chaos around them. My belief that ‘adaptability’ is the key factor to sustaining a career in the arts (and quite frankly, just as an attitude to life!) feels even more relevant now. After all, performers never know where they’ll be in three months, or six months in- between jobs. They can deal with finding a job in-between, making their money work, start...