Quarantine FM Content

As I mentioned in my last post, we began using our time in Lockdown to adapt and work creatively. As we saw the way things were moving forward with the Coronavirus we bought a Vocal Booth to record remotely and both Tom & I signed up to a Voiceover site to do ad hoc work. After a short time we were asked to present ‘Children’s Corner’ on new Irish radio station Quarantine FM: Over the course of producing this new show, I felt I’d enhanced my skills and started to get to grips with remote recording and editing software. For ‘Children’s Corner’ Tom and I created content with the focus being on high energy games and a large section focused on a ‘theme’- like Under the Sea or Antarctica! We added in fun facts to educate about the topic and then the show culminated in a story involving the places we’d talked about. Although we had a vague outline of the segments and the storyline, most of this was just diving in and inventing characters and accents as we went along. As actors who h...