Quarantine Hustle

Hello everyone! Wanted to separate this blog from the previous as I felt it was important to focus on moving forward and talk about what I’m doing now at this strange time! First up, our friend has set up a pirate radio station called Quarantine FM! Tom and I are contributing our skills on the airwaves, presenting and creating a show called ‘Children’s Corner’. Yesterday we recorded lots of idents introducing the different shows and I was very much getting to grips with editing software - trying to improve my skills which will be needed over the coming months! We already had a fabulous mic but we bought a vocal booth because we wanted to make sure we could record over this quiet period in great quality too. Today we’ve been planning the segments and will be recording later on- which is exciting! We also were forced to cancel our cabaret for the safety of our performers and audience, but we are hoping to pre- record and stream it tomorrow evening. Of course we will be ...